Happy Employees



Why You Need Them and How to Keep Them!


  • How Security and Safety Contribute to Employee Happiness and Productivity in the Workplace ~ with Nadine Anderson

    04/10/2018 Duration: 10min

    An interview with Nadine Anderson on how security and safety contribute to employee happiness. Nadine Anderson (RAS Consulting & Investigations) speaks with Geoff Johansing about how security and safety contribute to employee happiness and productivity in the workplace. Since technology is advancing every day, so should a company's security, as in physical security as well as from an operations standpoint, This can be achieved by having the best policies and procedures in place. The top factors that affect employee happiness, are actually the intangible ones such as interpersonal relationships, culture, and work environment. Employers should want their employees to feel as though they can respond to a situation, that they know what to do, and also have the confidence that an employer has already considered what to do if a dangerous situation should occur. For more "Happy Employees" insights, join our LinkedIn Group! About Nadine Anderson Business Development Manager RAS Consulting & Investi

  • Brand Strategy and Its Importance in Keeping Employees Happy ~ with Kevin Walker

    28/08/2018 Duration: 16min

    An interview with Kevin Walker on Brand Strategy and its role in keeping employees happy. Kevin Walker (Boardwalk) speaks with Geoff Johansing about the importance of a brand and how managing your brand effectively will be as attractive to your best employee as it is to your best customer. A good brand strategy will be pointing to a healthy corporate culture, meaningful work, high-quality co-workers; and attract the very best candidates, and keep them happy. Everybody wants to work for a good brand. If a company differentiates its brand assets in a meaningful way they will find their true competitive advantage, tell their story, and grow their business. For more "Happy Employees" insights, join our LinkedIn Group! About Kevin Walker Principal and Senior Brand Strategist Boardwalk Los Angeles, CA, Paris, France Website: Boardwalk FULL TRANSCRIPTION: GEOFF JOHANSING: Hello everyone. I'm Geoff Johansing. I run the Pasadena office of Insurance Office of America. I am a pro

  • How Safety Programs can Enhance Employee Job Satisfaction ~ with Joe Stevens

    21/06/2018 Duration: 10min

    An Interview with Joe Stevens on how safety programs can enhance employee job satisfaction. Today I’m here with Joe Stevens (Bridge Consultants) discussing how safety programs can enhance employee job satisfaction. The happier an employee is, the more likely he is to do his job. To look out for others, one of the big parts of safety is not just that an individual’s doing his job, but being aware of others too. The more positive a worker feels about his job and his company, the more likely he is to make a greater contribution. Sometimes we see that productivity goals are met on a more regular basis when the workforce is truly engaged. The whole company thrives when the workforce is happier and feeling better about things. Working with people that are in a better frame of mind, feeling more positive about the company, the company benefits from that. Culture is at the heart of a successful organization of any type. The more positive you make that culture, the happier the employees and the greater the productivit

  • Keeping Employees Engaged is a Key Tool for a Happy Work Environment ~ with Rodney Bolton

    19/04/2018 Duration: 09min

    An interview with Rodney Bolton on how keeping employees engaged is a key tool for a happy work environment. Geoff Johansing is speaking with Rodney Bolton (HR Bizz). HR Bizz' services are designed to make a company function more efficiently and effectively. He works with a vast array of clientele ranging from local, national and international companies providing them with human resource strategies to propel them to the next level. His focus on employee satisfaction and getting the right people in the right positions has allowed his clients to achieve their desired results. By using tools such as evaluating the climate or tone of a company, surveys, attendance, how well employees work together, how well management and employees interact together and encouraging team-building exercises you promote an environment where employees are happy and engaged. For more "Happy Employees" insights, join our LinkedIn Group! About Rodney Bolton Chief Executive Officer HR Bizz Los Angeles, CA Webs

  • How Defining a Clear Direction For Your Company Creates Happy Employees ~ with Tom Reynolds

    07/03/2018 Duration: 08min

    An interview with Tom Reynolds on how defining a clear direction for your company creates happy employees. A key to happy employees is defining a clear direction for your company. When you have a company, you need to have a plan. A big strategic plan. What you need to do is carve it down to a 90 day period that people can really digest. A couple of pages, easily read and simply written. It gets everybody on the team all rowing in the same direction.  It starts with the simplest piece of business. What is your mission? What is your vision? And what are your values? A mission needs to be very simple. Your mission is a clear statement about what you do. You start with the mission, vision, and values. The mission tells briefly what you do. The vision is, what we need right now. It gives people a direction. Here's where we're going. Let's get there. Having that common focus and everyone knowing where we're going is key to everyone being on the same page and expectations are clear. The third thing, which is super i

  • Embracing New Technology, and the Benefits to Employee Happiness ~ with Marissa Marquez

    24/01/2018 Duration: 10min

    An interview with Marissa Marquez embracing new technology, and the benefits to employee happiness. Embracing New Technology and the Benefits to Employee Happiness was today's topic with my guest Marissa Marquez (AMC Solutions). When your employees don't have issues; when everything is just running the way it should; when they can get out of the office on time because they're not held up with a system that's not running properly, they're happier. It helps build on culture and allows us to really push the business forward and help them grow.  Usually, the feedback is that increased productivity not only results in a more motivated workforce but now they also find that the one or two additional employees that they thought they needed to hire, they no longer need, because their efficiency has improved. For more "Happy Employees" insights, join our LinkedIn Group! About Marissa Marquez AMC Solutions (Advanced Microcomputing Concepts) Solutions San Dimas, CA Website: AMC Solutions

  • Protecting Your Company’s IP from Being Used by Your Ex-employees ~ with Dan Cotman

    08/12/2017 Duration: 04min

    An interview with Dan Cotman on how to protect your company’s proprietary information from being used by your ex-employees. In this Happy Employees Video, Geoff Johansing is speaking with Dan Cotman, founder of Cotman IP, a law firm in Pasadena that specializes in intellectual property. As we all strive to have happy employees, sometimes things don’t work out. In this video, he addresses how to protect your company’s proprietary information from being used by your ex-employees. For more "Happy Employees" insights, join our LinkedIn Group! About Dan Cotman Founder & Managing Partner Cotman IP Law Group, PLC Pasadena, CA Website: www.cotmanip.com FULL TRANSCRIPTION: GEOFF JOHANSING: Hello everyone. I'm Geoff Johansing. I’m here today with Dan Cotman. Dan runs an intellectual property law firm here in Pasadena, Cottman IP. I’ve talked to him about our “Happy Employees” theme, and he’s shared with me, “It’s great! It’s a wonderful idea”, but sometimes there are just our bad seeds out

  • Happy Employees in the Workplace ~ with Cindy Flynn

    27/10/2017 Duration: 07min

    An interview with Cindy Flynn on happy employees in the workplace. Cindy Flynn (Hackler, Flynn & Associates) speaks with Geoff Johansing about how happy employees in the workplace can be obtained. Ensuring an employee is a good fit for a company helps create a happier employee in the workplace. It's very valuable to put a lot of time and energy and education into your employees and ensure that they're a good fit for the company in the company culture. Come up with a 10 step process in hiring and set clear expectations in your job posting. Have a clear way that the candidate can contact you, and envision what that looks like. As you're going through the process, you're screening them and making sure that it's a good fit. In addition to having that person's boss interview, perhaps, the people that they're going to be working with as well. It's good to come up with five or six other people in the office who will be working closely with that person to buy-in on the interview process. That way you ensure everyo